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Worship and workout

It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and every-
where to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth.

Book of Common Prayer – The Great Thanksgiving, Rite II.


If your Lenten discipline involves adding something to your routine instead of giving something up, you might consider this Ohio congregation and their response to the “heart, soul, mind, and strength” commandment.  I don’t suppose they began meeting at the Y to “get fit with God,” but their experience reminds me that God is already everywhere.  Our challenge is to meet him in all our circumstances, so that every part our lives may be transformed.


From United Methodist TV:

The Rev. Leroy Chambliss lost too many relatives in their 50s. At age 64, Chambliss says he has found the appointment of a lifetime in running a church in a YMCA. The congregation of Stillwater United Methodist Church at the YMCA near Dayton, Ohio combines Sunday morning worship with workouts. Entire families exercise together. Church member Nathan Jones and his family are regulars at the Y church. “Having the mental, physical, and spiritual part of it just kind of ties everything together,” says Jones.

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